Editing Services
editor of plot-driven fiction
My Services
In addition to being a writer, I’ve spent the past fifteen years working as a professional editor. I am passionate about how a story unfolds, including key elements like character arc, pacing, theme, and plot. With a focus on story rather than style, I’ll go through your manuscript from start to finish and lay out exactly where the action may lag, character motives become unclear, or your story suffers from plot holes or other inconsistencies.

What I Do
Developmental Editing
You have a finished draft. Ish. Now, what you really need is someone who knows story, who can come in and provide feedback on what’s working, what’s missing, and how to complete your novel and get it out into the world. That’s where I come in. Upon completion of my edit, I’ll provide you with the blueprint you need to move forward with confidence. Includes chapter-by-chapter analysis, elemental summary, revision blueprint, and two Skype conferences (up to one hour each), as well as unlimited email correspondence.
Rates: $20/1,000 words
Beta Reading
You have a completed manuscript. You could send it to friends and fellow writers – in fact, you should do exactly that. But, you should also consider bringing in an informed professional at this stage of the process. As your beta reader, I’ll provide you with a comprehensive chapter-by-chapter analysis and elemental summary that will give you the information you need to dive into revisions with confidence before putting your novel out into the world.
Rates: $10/1,000 words
Content Editing
A content editor typically comes into play after the developmental edit and beta read, when your novel is as complete as you can make it without a knowledgeable third party to look at things objectively. In the content edit, you’ll receive the chapter-by-chapter analysis, elemental summary, editing notes within the manuscript itself, and information on what your copy editor (the next professional to engage in the process) should be on the lookout for when they begin their edit.
Rates: $20/1,000 words
Chapter-by-Chapter Analysis
Using my specially designed system, I will provide you with a chapter-by-chapter summary and analysis of your novel, highlighting exactly where pacing lags, plot holes appear, or characters act inconsistently.
Included with every beta read or content edit.
Elemental Summary
In addition to the chapter-by-chapter analysis, you’ll also receive a point-by-point summary of the key elements of your novel: character, pacing, plot, setting, story, and theme. The elemental summary will spotlight any areas within each element that may need work.
Included with every beta read or content edit.
Revision Blueprint
To ensure that you aren’t left flailing upon completion of the edit, I’ll also provide you with a recommended action plan for moving forward and addressing any issues I’ve raised. If another read might be beneficial after your revision process or you would like additional support during that process, we can make that decision at that time.
Included with every beta read or content edit.
Since launching my editing business officially in 2014, here are a few of my stats.
Satisfied Clients
Cups of Tea
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A well-written novel transports and transfixes.
It shifts our reality.
Why bother to write anything less?